What do you think would have happened next if you hadn't jumped into that car? 😄

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Lovely piece, beautifully written and photographed. We need more compassion like this. Well done!

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Great read (and great photographs)! I lived in Ontario for many years and would in certain parts of the Province run into areas that were dominated by Mennonites. I never felt they were insular, or indeed necessarily kept to themselves. If you were polite and courteous, they were too. They went about their day, I went about mine. I never dared photograph, but I like your idea that everyone was 'away' and therefore you could find a good way to interact. I like your photographs and your story. I don't know if you know or have heard of, or run into Larry Towell, he is a great friend of the Mennonites and lives among them in Ontario. He is worth checking out, if you have not come across him. He is Magnum, yet, I find him very unlike his colleagues. Easy to get along with and very friendly.

Well done. Nice project!

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Dina! You are 50 steps ahead of me!! I travel back and forth to Sarasota often. We almost bought a home there. I started my own collection and was looking forward to producing a book ... but hadn't quite gotten traction. Excited to see this take form. Beautiful images and I recognize some of the people.

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