The camel image is fabulous! How delightful 😍

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Hi Dina, I've included this in Flipboard's photography newsletter today. This isn't the actual newsletter, but it gives you an idea of what's in it. If you DM me your email, I can forward you a "hard copy" by the end of the week. https://flipboard.com/@mia/some-favorite-photography-substacks-50kq0f9araorioci Thanks for all that you do, and to the Substack community for recommending you in my Note!

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Thank you so much, Mia!


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Jun 21Liked by Dina Litovsky

Great images that capture this surreal mix of church and farm and zoo! Also very entertaining post. Thanks!

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Jun 7Liked by Dina Litovsky

Wow, this is so wild. A wonderful peek into a strange tradition. I love the picture of the owl, but omg the photo of the dog looks just like a religious painting with the way his head is rolled back and eyes to the sky! 😍

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It’s as if the owl is screaming, “this is bullshit!! Get me outta here!!” Great shot indeed.

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"I was eager to get an answer from the legitimate authority. Unfortunately, the Bishop deflected, saying such questions were above his pay grade."

What? That question is exactly at the level of his pay grade! That is his pay grade!

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Love your summation of how the whole Animal Blessing ritual was, "slightly unsettling" which your photos perfectly reflect. In a little bonus synchronicity for me, the song La Danse Des Méduses (Dance of the Medusas) happened to be playing as I read your article which fit the mood quite well.


Good nod to Twin Peaks too. Hoot Hoot.

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We have local Blessings of the Animals too, but I never considered that the human participants might be sitting there with cameras and expressions of excitement! I think our little village gatherings are much more child-focused. I love your take on this. Terrific results. And my response to the Bishop’s response? Daft fellow.

I hope you are feeling much better. Sending heaps of hugs and best wishes.

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As always, your light and framing are spectacular!

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The answer to why the church does almost anything is that there’s money involved.

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That's a wonderful post Dina, I really enjoyed reading this. Coincidentally, it was the first thing I read after reading the following story about food production and big business. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-07/meet-the-mega-rich-families-controlling-the-us-food-system/103874576?utm_source=abc_news_app&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_app&utm_content=other

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