"I used to trash most of my assignments, with only the chosen images remaining. That was a mistake. The relevancy of images changes as the years pass, and my favorite images often slide into irrelevancy while outtakes acquire new meaning"

To a large degree that's what Chris Marker's Sans Soleil is, sorting through the discards of his journalist and activist past and questioning what he actually saw. This includes an unnerving sequence where he shows footage he shot of Luis Cabral pinning a medal to a weeping Major Nino in Cassaque in 1980, while the voiceover explains that Nino would be sending Cabral to prison one year later:

"We will learn that in this ceremony of promotions which in the eyes of visitors perpetuated the brotherhood of the struggle, there lay a pit of post-victory bitterness, and that Nino's tears did not express an ex-warrior's emotion, but the wounded pride of a hero who felt he had not been raised high enough above the others."

Then some poetic pontification against the horrors of history and determined forgetting that I'd also love to quote, but anyway the point is keep your discards because the subjects' story might change.

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Sure it's not a cult!

Great post.

Sad for our country.

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A lot of seriously deluded individuals, but some great photos. What ever happens during the election will effect all of us (Brit living in New Zealand, so won't effect me directly). God help us all.

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Thank you. So scary, but so ‘educational’. (I’m Australian and therefore not directly involved, but the whole world will be affected by what lies ahead.)

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