So funny, I have that too with certain cities but it doesn't make any sense. I lived in NYC for twenty years, the city most inspiring to all, and barely took photos there. Always traveling. But I have since, during the pandemic, taught myself how to see differently again, to be better at slowing down and noticing, and that has opened up Amsterdam and Paris for me, with time. (It's different for everyone of course, not saying other points of view aren't equally valid to what has worked for me.)

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I think I may be ready to try Paris again.

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Let me know when you go, we got quite often :)

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Love the Albertina. I know Vienna a bit. My mother (1921-2022) and her family were Viennese. My grandfather and some of his siblings made it out after the Anschluss. The “real” Vienna, to my mind, hides behind its genteel facade. I have profoundly mixed feelings about the place. It would be a challenge to get beneath its surface.

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Jun 28Liked by Dina Litovsky

Love the colors in these photographs, especially the portraits.

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Really beautiful shots! I've never been to Vienna (nor that part of Europe at all), but enjoy that these photos aren't announcing themselves as being of a specific place, with a specific identity so easily recognized, at least to this outsider. Nice work!

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Jun 25Liked by Dina Litovsky

Love the photos Dina. Inspiration for me to travel to Vienna to do an edition of SIX (my substack). Would love your feedback if you have a spare minute.

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Jun 25Liked by Dina Litovsky

Beautiful little slices of life! Thanks for sharing.

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Your comment about the types of cities that don’t inspire you got me thinking. I also struggle to find compelling shots in places that are too picturesque or unique. I believe it’s because the instinct to capture the setting’s beauty or originality competes with the effort to find interesting human moments, also diverting attention from them in the photograph. However, this effect diminishes as one becomes more familiar with the place, as its beauty or originality no longer competes for one’s attention. Does this resonate with you? You did capture great moments in Vienna that don’t scream, “This is Vienna!” Thanks for sharing!

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