I love this. Part rant, part philosophical treatise. I love your work as well. Your photography, and yes, your art. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, no? I think photographers are generally thought of as more technicians than craftspeople or artists. Thus the first question always asked: what do you shoot with? Imagine anyone asking Toni Morrison "What do you type with?" As if the machine and not the mind is responsible for the imagination and craft of composing it into art. I'll never forget the first photos I shared with my wife shortly after taking on photography. "You sure bought a really nice camera, didn't you?" Was her response. Don't worry, we are still married. She supports me in full. But nonetheless, "Forgive them," I say to myself when this happens, "for they know not what the Fuck they talk about."

Keep writing, keep shooting, keep marrying the two as one. 👊🏼

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It is both those parts, as well as Frankie Boyle inspired provocation.

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I'm neither a professional photographer, nor an artist. I simply have a desire to express myself creatively and record memories and events that are meaningful to me and mine and enjoyable to look at. I've shot two weddings, both back in the late '60s. The first for a classmate. I wasn't the official photographer, although I may have gotten some payment. I liked shooting candid photos, and I still have some from that wedding that I printed on Agfa Bovira. Almost 60 years later, they still look great. The second wedding was different. The parents wanted a cheap photographer, and that's exactly what they got. I had explained that I was a candid photographer and a friend of the bride, not a professional. Of course, no one was happy with the end results. I have a friend who is a pro and routinely does weddings. She takes wonderful pix, and her clients are happy. And I'm glad there are people like her that enjoy such work and can make good money doing it :).

Art or not, you do great work, please keep it up! :)

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Very interesting and really got me thinking and reflecting. All i have ever been or considered myself was as a photographer. While plenty of my work could be called art and i created work that i wanted to be considered artistic, i think of all the assignments i have completed that had no artistic elements at all. A Client bringing over a metal box full of electronics, leaning over my shoulder telling me where to add light, required nothing artistic in the effort. I often felt like a technician rather than a photographer but the assignment paid the same. Now on social media, some have declared those who use serious Photoshop are not photographers but compositors. Well, i dont care what others may call me, but i as well, am a photographer.

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